Moral Reconation Therapy—MRT® in Jails

MRT in



MRT has been used in jail-based programs since 1988. MRT is a SAMHSA NREPP registered program. The large majority of jail inmates treated with MRT have voluntarily participated in treatment. MRT groups, in which participants present their MRT homework, which is assigned in each MRT step, are typically held one or two times a week in jails. The number of participants in each jail-based MRT group is typically 12-15 but is sometimes much larger. An MRT-trained facilitator (usually a jail counselor or officer) conducts each group meeting according to guidelines outlined in the training. Clients in the program each have an MRT workbook — How To Escape Your Prison. Basic MRT has 12 steps, with a general written discussion of each step in the workbook, followed by the exercises and homework requirements. Each counselor or officer operates one or more MRT groups in the jail as part of their work assignment. At each MRT group time, the inmates assigned to that particular MRT meeting gather in a classroom or other private area with their MRT facilitator. Because MRT is objective and every MRT group operates in the same manner, any trained MRT facilitator is able to step in to any MRT group when necessary and continue the group without problems. Every MRT program in jail settings that has collected outcome data has reported significantly lower recidivism and lower disciplinary infractions. A Spanish version of the workbook is available along with both Spanish and English versions of the book on audio CDs for participants with poor reading skills.


All MRT groups are open-ended. This means that new clients can enter a group at any time and be incorporated into the program. Research shows that MRT works equally well with male and female offenders.


Training Required:


Basic MRT training is required for all MRT facilitators. Call CCI (901) 360-1564 for information.


Length of Program/Completion Rate:


In jail settings the average (mean) number of group meetings is variable depending on location and the type of prison program. In general, most jail inmates complete all MRT steps in 20-32 group sessions. Program completion rates have varied between 60%-99%. The mean completion rate for programs is about 80%.


Other Program Components Typically Used:


Jail-based programs sometimes conduct several other cognitive-behavioral programs with their participants. Most of the programs that are offered are based on individual needs. These are:


Substance Abuse

Relapse Prevention


Anger Management


Family Support

Job Readiness



To purchase products please visit Correctional Counseling, Inc., or call:

(901) 360-1564


Moral Reconation Therapy—MRT® products are published by Eagle Wing Books, Inc.


Website owned by Greg Little